Norwegian Virtual Lessons and translations

Helping you to Norwegian proficiency


What is NorWeSpeak?

Do you want to learn and enhance your knowledge of Norwegian through virtual classes and conversations?
Do you need a letter translated from Norwegian to English, or vise versa?

Then you have come to the right place! 

Do You Want To Learn Norwegian?

Are you courious about the Norwegian language? Are you planning on visiting Norway? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the website for you!

Do You Want to Maintain Your Norwegian Skills?

Practice makes perfect.
One way to enhance your language skills is to engage in regular Norwegian coversations. Through virtual interaction, you get a chance to practice what you have learned. 

Do You Want to Translate Your Ancestors Letters?

Have you found previous relatives´ letters, but you just can't understand them? Or are you courious about some popular Norwegian sayings? We are here for you!


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Norwegian Virtual Lesson

Beginner to Advanced Levels
- Conversation
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- Listening
- Writing
- Grammar


Have you found previous relatives´ letters, but you just can't understand them? Or are you courious about some popular Norwegian sayings? We are here for you!


Beginner online Norwegian Class where you will learn the basics of the language, grammar, pronunciation, greetings and conversation. Class will be cancelled if less than 4 people sign up. A link to join the meeting will be emailed before the class starts. The book "Sett i gang 1" by Kari Lie Dorer & Nancy Aarsvold is used. It can be purchased at


Norwegian Virtual Conversation Group

Do you know some Norwegian and would like to practice speaking Norwegian with others virtually? We meet via zoom for an hour to practice speaking Norwegian and would love for others who know some Norwegian to join us for Norwegian conversation. Looking forward to exploring the Norwegian language and culture together. Want to know when the next one is? Contact us and we will let you know.

Helping you to Norwegian proficiency

Helping you to Norwegian proficiency